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来源:永利集团88304     日期:2022-10-14    浏览:





1. X1签证入境的国际学生必须在入境之日起30天内办理居留许可申请手续,在办理居留许可前须提供湖北国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的《健康证明》。

2. X2签证入境的国际学生在签证有效期内不需要办理居留许可。

3. 在中国境内其他学校有学习经历,并申请来永利集团88304就读的学生,到校报到注册后,应换发新的居留许可。

4. 入境24小时内应办理临时住宿登记,申请《境外人员住宿登记表》。住校内的学生在国际学生工作办公室办理,住校外的学生须在所住旅馆前台办理或向住宿地所在派出所申请。

5. 首次申请居留许可时应提交以下材料:

(1) 申请人有效护照及签证原件及复印件;

(2) 校方出具的录取通知书原件及复印件;

(3) 《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》JW202原件;

(4) 由湖北国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的健康证明原件;

(5) 永利集团88304公函证明(国际学生工作办公室出具);

(6) 填写完整的《外国人签证证件申请表》,近期2寸半身、正面、免冠、浅色背景彩色照片1张;

(7) 《境外人员住宿登记表》原件。

6. 再次申请居留许可应提交以下材料:

(1) 签证申请审核表(国际学生工作办公室领取);

(2) 申请人有效护照及居留许可原件及复印件;

(3) 永利集团88304公函证明(国际学生工作办公室出具);

(4) 填写完整的《外国人签证证件申请表》,近期2寸半身、正面、免冠、浅色背景彩色照片1张;

(5) 《境外人员住宿登记表》原件;

(6) 具有以下情况之一的,还应提交健康证明原件:

① 上次居留许可有效期届满3个月后再次办理居留许可;

② 上次办理居留许可时申请人未满18周岁,现已年满18周岁的;

③ 持有居留许可期间有离境记录。



1. 奖学金生每次居留许可有效期原则上不超过一年。

2. 自费生每次居留许可有效期视其已缴纳学费及在校表现而定。

3. 居留许可有效期不得超过其在校学习的计划学制或护照有效期。

4. 学习成绩、在校表现、缴费情况均很优秀的学生可视情况办理一年及以上签证。

5. 出勤率、学习成绩或其他条件不符合武汉市公安局出入境管理局要求者,学院将不再为其办理居留许可延期。


1. 居留许可持有人的居留登记事项(姓名、居留事由、护照号码)、偕行人等情况发生变化的;居留许可持有人的住址、就读院校等情况发生变化的,须在该事项发生变更之日起10日以内向出入境管理局申请办理变更。

2. 提交材料:

(1) 申请人有效护照及居留许可原件及复印件;

(2) 《境外人员住宿登记表》原件;

(3) 永利集团88304公函证明(国际学生工作办公室出具);

(4) 填写完整的《外国人签证证件申请表》,近期2寸半身、正面、免冠、浅色背景彩色照片1张;

(5) 具有以下情况之一的,还应提交健康证明原件:





3. 办理休学手续后复学的国际学生办理居留许可,应提交以下材料:

(1) 申请人有效护照及居留许可原件及复印件;

(2) 《境外人员住宿登记表》原件。

(3) 永利集团88304公函证明(国际学生工作办公室出具);

(4) 填写完整的《外国人签证证件申请表》,近期2寸半身、正面、免冠、浅色背景彩色照片1张;

(5) 录取(入学)通知书或学籍证明原件(国际学生工作办公室出具);

(6) 如休学时间超过3个月(距原居留许可有效期最后一天间隔3个月以上),应重新办理并提交出入境检验检疫部门出具的健康证明原件;还应重新办理并提交《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202)原件。

(7) 公安出入境管理部门可视情况要求未持X1签证入境的复学外国国际学生,向我驻该外签证机关申请X1签证后,再次入境申请办理学习类居留许可。

4. 对因各种原因提前离校的国际学生,应持学校国际学生工作办公室出具的公函证明到武汉市公安局出入境管理局办理签证或居留许可注销手续,再到国际学生工作办公室办理离校手续后离华。






1. 受理居留许可申请和办理签证的部门是:武汉市公安局出入境管理局。



2. 办证费用



3. 出入境管理局受理并办毕申请居留许可的工作时间为7个工作日。

Regulations on Visa / Residence Permit (RP)

I. Entry visa

With the school's Admission Notice, JW202 form, foreign medical records to the embassies or consulates of People's Republic of China to apply for entry to China X1 Visa (study period more than 180 days) or X2 visa (study period within 180 days, during which not leaving China).

II. Residence permit

1. International students entering the X1 visa must apply for a residence permit within 30 days from the date of entry, and must provide the health certificate issued by Hubei International Travel Health Care Center before processing the residence permit.

2. Students with visa X2, staying in China less than 180 days, do not need to apply for RP.

3. Students who have studied in China and applied to study at HBUT, shall change the resident permit after registration.

4. Registration of temporary residence should be done within first 24 hours after entry. Students who live on campus should apply for Residence Registration at Student Affairs Office (SAO), and students who live off-campus should get the registration form issued by the hotel or the police substation of the area where the lodging takes place.

5. Document for applying Residence Permit (study) for the first time:

(1) Original and copy of valid passport

(2) Original and copy of Admission Notice

(3) Original of JW202 Form

(4) Health Certificate (issued by Hubei International Travel Healthcare Center)

(5) Application Form for International Students (issued by SAO)

(6)Visa / Stay Permit / Residence Permit Application Form completely filled up and one recent 2-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photograph

(7) The original of Registration Form of Temporary Residence

6. Document for Extending RP (study):

(1) Pre-Visa Application Check list (get from SAO).

(2) Original and copy of Passport and Resident Permit.

(3) Application Form for RP (issued by SAO).

(4) Visa / Stay Permit / Residence Permit Application Form completely filled up and one recent 2-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photograph.

(5) The original of Registration Form of Temporary Residence.

(6) Health certificate should also be submitted in cases falling in following occasions:

Last resident permit has expired for 3 months;

the applicant was under 18 when applied for last residence permit but is now over 18;

Left China during the last duration of RP.

III. Period of Validity of RP

The detailed principles of Application Form issued by SAO are as follows:

1. Scholarship students apply for RP each year.

2. For self-sponsored students, length of RP depends on their school fee payment and their performance at HBUT.

3. The validity of RP should not go beyond length of study or validity of passport.

4. Students with excellent academic performance, behavior, and on-time fees payment can be issued a RP with more than one year.

5. Students whose attendance rate, academic performance or other conditions do not meet the requirement of Exit-Entry Administration of Wuhan Public Security Bureau will not get an extended residence permit.

IV. Registration of RP Change

1. Items such as residence registration entry (name, residence subject, passport number) or accompanying person(s) of the holder of the residence permit has/have been changed; or the residence address, school of the holder of the residence permit has/have been changed, should the holder apply for modification to the Exit-Entry Administration of Wuhan Public Security Bureau within 10 days since the change(s) took place.

2. Documents needed

(1) Original and copy of valid passport and Resident Permit

(2) The original of Registration Form of Temporary Residence

(3) Application Form for International Students (issued by SAO)

(4) Visa / Stay Permit / Residence Permit Application Form completely filled up and one recent 2-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photograph

(5) Health certificate is also necessary in the following cases:

Last RP has expired for over 3 months;

The applicant is under 18 when last RP was applied and is presently over 18 years old.

Left China during the last duration of RP.

Note: In case of change of study institution or from employee to student, should he/she submit the original as well as the copy of certificate of termination of study from former institution, or the certificate of resignation from former employer; original JW202 (201) or original & copy of transfer notice issued by China Scholarship Council; admission notice. In case of change of passport information and address, new Registration Form of Temporary Residence should be prepared.

3. Documents needed to apply for residence permit for students resuming study after suspension.

(1) Original and copy of valid passport and Resident Permit.

(2) The original of Registration Form of Temporary Residence.

(3) Application Form for International Students (issued by SAO).

(4) Visa / Stay Permit / Residence Permit Application Form completely filled up and one recent 2-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photograph.

(5) Original Admission Notice or Study Certificate issued by SAO

(6) If suspension of schooling is longer than 3 months (over 3 months time span from last day of former RP), health report and the original JW202 are needed.

(7) Exit-Entry Administration Bureau might request students who do not enter with visa X1 to make study RP application upon their re-entry with visa X1.

4. For student who leaves the university for various reason, he/she should go to the Wuhan Exit-entry Administration Bureau to cancel his/her RP with the Application Form provided by SAO, and then go through leaving formalities before leaving China.

V. Making up passport and RP

The student should firstly apply to SAO the explanation letter. Secondly, he/she should go to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to report the loss with the fore-said application letter, identity certificate (the copy of passport, the identity credential with photo on it, the driving license, the entry air ticket, etc.), as well as original and copy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence, and obtain the loss-reporting certificate. Thirdly, he/she should go to the embassy or the consulate of his/her own country in China to apply for a new passport. Lastly, the student should go to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau to apply for new RP or other visa.

VI. Checking of Visa and RP

International students who are over 16-year-old, should carry about the Visa/RP for random inspection by foreign affairs police officer.

VII. Venue, fees and time needed for RP application

1. The Exit-Entry Administration of Wuhan Public Security Bureau handles RP and visa application.

Address: Wuhan Citizens Home, 117 Jinqiao Avenue, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, China.

Opening Hour: Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00; Saturday 9:00-11:30

2. application fee

validity of RP365 days: 400CNY

validity of RP365 days: 800CNY - 1000CNY

Stay Visa: 160CNY

3. Seven working days is needed for processing RP application at Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Wuhan Public Security Bureau.

Appendix 1 - 常见问题问答FAQ

FAQ - Visa

Q: What do I do if my visa expires and how often do I need to renew it?

A: You should bring your passport and go to see the visa officer (7A-325) to renew your visa 20 days before the visa/residence permit expires. The duration for your new visa is highly associated with your performance in school.

Q: What will affect my visa?

A: 1. Academic Performance, 2. General Behaviour on campus, 3. School Fee payment.

Q: What do i need to renew my visa?

A: For freshmen: 1. passport, 2. physical examination report, 3. Admission Notice

For senior students: passport.

Q: What is the limitation of the student visa?

A: Aliens can only engage in the activities that are related to the type of visa, which is your purpose of staying in China. If you fail to do so, you will not get a new visa to stay.

Q: How long maximum can I stay in China with student visa?

A: Its in accordance with the length of your study.

Q: What do I do if I lose my passport?

A: 1. Report loss at local police station, 2. Go to office to get an official letter, 3. Bring the documents to Wuhan Exit and Entry bureau to get proof. 4. Go to your embassy to apply for a new passport.

Q: What will happen if my visa is expired?

A: For the first time, you will be given a warning by the Bureau. The second time, there will be a penalty of 500/day up to 10,000. If the case is severe, you could be detained for 5 to 15 days.

Q: If I am punished by the police, will I be able to continue my study?

A: NO. Anyone breaks the law will be expelled.

Q: If I have applied for suspension from school, do I need to apply for a visa to come back to China?

A: For students who leave Chinese territory over 2 months (except holidays), SIE will revoke the current residence permit of them. Students need to apply for a new visa to enter China, and also finish another physical examination.