第一章 入学与注册
Chapter One Admission and Registration
第一条 新生入学须持永利集团88304签发的《入学通知书》、《外国职工来华签证申请表》(简称JW202表)、X1/X2签证(即学习签证)和体检表(原件),按入学通知书的规定日期到永利集团官网办理入学手续。
Article 1 New international students shall register in School of International Education (hereinafter referred to as “SIE”) on time with the Admission Notice, Visa Application for Study in China (abbreviated as JW202 Form), X1 or X2 Visa (student visa), and Health Certificate (the original).
第二条 新生因故不能按期入学报到者,应通过邮件或电话等方式说明原因并告知确切入学时间。开学后一个月内不报到者,取消其入学资格。
Article 2 International students who fail to arrive on time shall request for approval via email or telephone, explain the reason and inform SIE the exact date of attendance. If the period of absence exceeds one month, enrollment will be revoked.
第三条 新生所持体检表和化验单,须经有关部门认证,认证合格者,方可办理外国人居留证,不合格者需重新进行体检(费用自理),有重大疾病病史,或体检不合格者取消入学资格。
Article 3 International students must apply for a residence permit with a valid Health Certificate verified by the related department. International students who fail to satisfy the requirement may be asked to take the physical examination again. International students with major disease or who fail to meet the health standard will not qualify for enrollment.
第四条 自费职工在入学报到时,应在十天之内付清第一学期(语言生)或第一学年(学位生)的相关费用。交纳相关费用后,方可办理入学手续。
Article 4 Self-funded international students shall pay off the tuition, accommodation fee, and other related fees for the first semester (for Chinese language program students) or for the first academic year (for degree program students) within 10 days after registration. International students can only proceed the admission procedure after the payment.
第五条 新生报到时,在永利集团88304教务办填写《永利集团88304来华职工学籍信息登记表》并提交2寸免冠照片电子档及纸质版(8张)、护照(原件/复印件)、最高学业证书(复印件)、最后学业成绩单(复印件),建立在校生学籍管理档案并领取新生入校“学生包”。
Article 5 International students should fill in the Academic Information Form for International Students, and submit photo of 2 inches in both soft copy and hard copy (amount: 8), Passport (copy), Highest Education Certificate (copy), Transcript for Final Academic Studies (copy) to the Teaching Affairs Office of SIE upon registration for archive and collect the Admission Package.
第六条 境外新生自入境之日起三十日内去武汉市公安局出入境管理局办理《外国人居留许可》,并到武汉市公安局南湖派出所办理登记、备案手续。
Article 6 International students from abroad shall go to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to apply for a residence permit within 30 days after entry, besides, they are required to register accommodation in the Nanhu Police Station.
International students who are transferred from other Chinese universities must take their valid Health Certificate, Passport, Admission Notice, JW202 Form, and Transfer Certificate to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to apply for a new Residence Permit within 30 days upon arrival in Wuhan.
International students who need to extend their Residence Permit shall take their original and copy of Passport, Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals, Foreigner Visa Documents Application Form, Certificate of Study, Admission Notice, JW202 Form (original), 2 Photos of 2 inches, and Health Certificate to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau to finish the formalities.
第七条 学生每学期应按期持学生证到永利集团88304报到注册。因故不能如期注册者,必须履行请假手续。永利集团88304对未按时到校的学生,要分别按病、事假或旷课记载。未注册者不能取得新学年的学籍,不能进入专业课学习,不予以学分认可。
Article 7 International students shall register on time in SIE with their student ID card in each semester. International students who fail to register on time must ask for permission. SIE will record those International students as sick leave, personal leave, absent accordingly. International students who fail to register are not allowed to get their student status for the new academic year, take academic course study, and get the credit.
第八条 凡休学、保留学籍或其他原因离校的学生,未经批准入学者,不准注册。
Article 8 International students away from the university as suspending, retaining their student status or under any other circumstances, must seek for permission before resuming interrupted studies.
第九条 学生未经请假或请假未被批准不到校注册者,以旷课论,逾期四周不注册者,按自动退学处理。
Article 9 International students who fail to register without asking for leave or permission will be recorded as absent. International students who register late for more than 4 weeks will be expelled from the university.
第二章 学制与修业年限
Chapter Two Length of Schooling and Duration of Study
第十条 4年制本科修业年限为4至6年,2年制硕士研究生修业年限为2至3年。
Article 10 The length of schooling for Bachelor degree program is 4 years, and the duration of study is 4 to 6 years. The length of schooling for Master degree program is 2 years, and the duration of study is 2 to 3 years.
第十一条 学生可根据实际情况申请延长修业期,经永利集团88304同意并备案。学生延长修业期应按申请当年所修读专业的相关标准缴纳学费,并按学校规定按时办理注册手续,超过修业年限的不予注册。
Article 11 International students can apply to extend the duration of study according to practical situation, which must be approved and recorded by SIE. During the extension, international students must pay tuition fee as usual and register on time according to the regulation of the university. International students whose studies exceeds the duration of study are not allowed to register.
第三章 课程考核与成绩记载
Chapter Three Evaluation and Recording Methods
第十二条 学生应根据所学专业的人才培养方案在所编班级修读相应课程,擅自跨班或跟班修读课程者成绩无效,不计学分。
Article 12 International students shall take the courses according to the cultivation plan of your discipline and assigned class. Who take courses in other classes or discipline won’t get the credits.
第十三条 永利集团88304来华职工专业培养方案的课程体系由理论教学(含通识教育课程、学科大类基础课程、学科专业基础课程、专业核心课程)和集中实践教学二部分组成。学生应根据培养方案的规定,修满各类课程的学分。
Article 13 The course schedule for international students at HBUT consists of theoretical course (compulsory course of general education, basic course in general discipline, basic course in discipline, and specialty core course) and practical training items. International students shall take the courses and get all the required credits.
The requirement for Chinese language course: international students must take the course of Elementary Chinese, Intermediate Chinese, Advanced Chinese, and China Panorama, and get the credits. The average score must be no less than 70.
第十四条 来华职工可自愿在公选课平台选修相关课程。一经选定,不得随意退选。确有特殊困难,应在该课程开课两周内向永利集团88304教务办提出退选申请,经批准备案后方能生效。公共选修课不及格科目,可以改选其他课程代替。
Article 14 International students can enter the HBUT Student System to register for courses. Once a student has registered for courses, they cannot be changed. If a student must change or withdraw from a course, he/she shall submit the application to Teaching Affairs Office of SIE within the first 2 weeks of the course offering. If international students fail to pass an optional course, they can change to take another optional course and pass the exam.
第十五条 职工必须参加教学计划规定的课程考核,考核成绩载入本人档案。考试课程的考核一般在每学期考试周内进行,可采取闭卷、开卷、口试、笔试等多种形式。期末考核由学校统一安排在每学期最后一至两周进行,任何人不得提前或推迟。
Article 15 International students must take part in the course examinations. The results will be recorded and placed in their personal file. The examinations will be conducted in the final examination week of each semester with the form of close-book exam, open-book exam, oral exam, written exam, etc. The final exams are arranged in the last 1-2 weeks of the semester, and no student can take it in advance or later.
第十六条 考试、考查课程的成绩评定,均采用百分制计分。
Article 16 The result of both examination and assessment of course performance uses the percentile scoring system.
第十七条 课程考核成绩由学期末考试(或课程结束考试)成绩、平时成绩组成。期末考试成绩一般占60-70%,平时成绩一般占30-40%,包括完成实验、实习、课外作业、习题课、课堂讨论、平时测验成绩及考勤等。
Article 17 The evaluation result is composed of final examination grade and regular grade. The final exam grade takes up 60-70%, while the regular grade takes up 30-40%. The regular grade is given based on experiment, social practice, extracurricular assignment, exercise class, class discussion, regular test grade, attendance, etc.
第十八条 所学课程必须经考核及格(60分以上),才能取得该门课程的学分。
Article 18 International students can obtain the credit only if they pass the course examination (final mark: no less than 60)
第十九条 学生因病或其他原因不能按时参加考试或考查时,必须在考前向永利集团88304教务办提出缓考书面申请(请病假须有校医院或指定医院诊断证明),经批准后方可生效。缓考生可于新学期开学四周内
Article 19 International students who fail to attend the examinations or assessment of course performance on time must submit the postponing application to the Teaching Affairs Office of SIE with reason and supported documents. Only with approval can this procedure go into effect. International students shall apply to take the postponed exams within first 4 weeks of the new semester. If International students miss the makeup exam, they will take the exam in the same time of the next final exam of the same course, and be marked as normal examination. International students who fail the makeup exam or postponed exam can choose to retake the course or take the final clear exam (final makeup exam before graduation for degree). International students can obtain the credit as long as they pass the exam. International students who retake the course must submit written application to the Teaching Affairs Office of SIE within the first week of the new semester and pay the fee to retake the course. They will attend the class with students of the next grade. The final clear exam will be conducted within 4 weeks before graduation.
第二十条 对必修课擅自缺考或考试舞弊者,其成绩和学分均以零分记载,并于下一学期开学初参加由永利集团88304组织的补考安排,统一组织专业教师阅卷评分。若补考仍不及格者,延期至毕业前清考环节,通过清考且满足《永利集团88304来华职工学位授予工作实施细则》相关规定者,可获得相应毕业证、学位证;
Article 20 International students who are absent without permission or are caught cheating during exam will be graded Zero for the compulsory course without any credits, and they need to retake the exam organized by SIE at the beginning of the next semester. SIE will organize specialized faculty to do the marking work. If international students fail the makeup exam, they shall take part in the final clear exam. International students who pass the final clear exam and satisfy the Regulations on Degree Awarding for international students at HBUT will be awarded the Graduation Certificate and Degree Certificate.
第二十一条 擅自缺考或考试舞弊者,无论该门课程是否及格,将在学生成绩表中注明该门课程“舞弊”或“旷考”字样,对考试舞弊者,学校视情节轻重,给予纪律处分。
Article 21 International students who are absent without permission or are caught cheating during an exam will be noted Absent or Cheating on the record. An international student who is caught cheating will be subject to certain disciplinary measures.
第二十二条 考试、考查成绩一经评定,不得更改。对旷课的学生,根据旷课的时数和情节,给予批评教育,情节严重者给予纪律处分。无故旷课累计超过本学期某门课程教学时数三分之一者,不得参加本门课程的考核。
Article 22 The result of examination and assessment of course performance is not allowed to be changed as long as it is marked. As to international students who are absent from class without permission, a punishment ranging from criticizing to disciplinary measure will be given according to the amount of truancy. When the accumulative amount of truancy exceeds 1/3 of the whole periods of a course, international students will not be allowed to take the exam or assessment of course performance.
第四章 补考、重修和清考
Chapter Four Makeup Exam, Retake Course, Final Clear Exam
第二十三条 补考。每学期开学初,对上一学期不及格课程安排的考试环节,称为补考。每学期经考核后,成绩不及格而未达到退学规定者,原则上均应在下一学期参加补考。每门课程只有1次补考机会。补考成绩参照期末考核方式处理,超过75分的,以75分记载。
Article 23 Makeup Exam. International students who fail the exam of the last semester could attend the makeup exam in early new semester. International students who fail the exam without meeting the requirement of expulsion from the university shall take the makeup exam in next semester. For each course, international students have only one chance to take the makeup exam. The result of makeup exam will be marked as normal final exam, and the mark over 75 will be recorded as 75.
第二十四条 重修。实行完全学分制的学生,已修习的必修课课程补考后仍未及格,可选择重修;
Article 24 Retake Course. International students should retake the course if they fail the makeup exam of compulsory courses.
第二十五条 学生不得重修已取得学分的课程。在校学习期间,不及格课程的重修次数不限。
Article 25 International students are not allowed to retake the course if they obtain the credit. During the studies at the university, the number of times for retaking the course is not limited.
第二十六条 清考。毕业前仍有课程不及格的学生可申请重新考核,称为清考。学生申请清考的课程门数根据毕业当年的情况由永利集团88304统一确定。
Article 26 Final Clear Exam. International students who fail the courses can apply to take the final makeup exam before graduation for degree. The number of courses of which international students can apply for the final clear exam is determined by SIE according to the practical situation.
第二十七条 回校补考。因成绩不合格而未能在标准修业年限内拿到毕业证者,可于离校后、学校规定的修业年限内申请回校补考。回校补考按物价部门核定的标准收费。
Article 27 Return to the university to take the makeup exam. International students who fail to obtain the Graduation Certificate in the standard Duration of Study due to failure of courses can apply to return to the University to take the makeup exam in the required duration of study after leaving the university. Such kind of makeup exam is charged according to the standards approved by the price department.
第五章 休学与复学
Chapter Five Schooling Suspension & Schooling Resumption
第二十八条 学生有下列情况之一者,应予休学:
Article 28 International students in the following categories shall leave the university but may retain their student status:
(1) International students who are diagnosed in a designated hospital or campus hospital with an illness which will cause them to miss 1/3 or more of their total course periods in a semester;
(2) International students whose absence with permission exceeds 1/3 of their total course periods in a semester;
(3) International students who have applied for suspension or are suggested to take suspension by the University for other special reasons.
第二十九条 学生要求休学,应提出书面申请,并附有关证明,永利集团88304审查、批准。凡学校批准的休学学生,应及时到永利集团88304教务办办理休学手续。
Article 29 International students who apply for suspension must submit the application and related documents to SIE for review and approval. Once approval is obtained, students shall go to the Teaching Affairs Office of SIE to complete all the suspension procedures.
第三十条 学生休学期间的有关事宜,按以下规定处理:
Article 30 International students who need to suspend the study shall obey the following rules:
(1) International students may generally ask for suspension for more than a semester, and the total suspension time shall not exceed four semesters. The suspension time is counted into the duration of study. Therefore, the total duration of study should not exceed the stipulated duration of study. The suspension time is calculated and ratified by the Teaching Affairs Office of SIE.
(2) Once approval is obtained, international students shall return to their home country immediately. The university is not responsible for the accidents and behaviors happened to international students during the suspension period. International students who violate the laws or regulations during the suspension period will face punishment.
第三十一条 学生复学按下列规定办理:
Article 31 International students who intend to resume their studies shall take the following procedure:
(1) International students who suspend their studies due to illness must submit the Health Certificate confirming their health 4 weeks before entry when they apply to resume their studies. Only after the Health Certificate reviewed by a certified hospital or campus hospital will the university allow international students to return to the university and resume their studies.
(2) International students shall take the related documents to apply to resume their studies upon the expiration of suspension. International students who fail to return to the university upon the expiration of suspension shall take the suspension procedure again by telephone or in written form. International students who do not request to resume their studies within the stipulated duration of study will have their student status cancelled.
第六章 延长学习期限与退学
Chapter Six Extension and Dismissal from the University
第三十二条 学生有下列情形之一者均可申请延长学习期限:
Article 32 International students in the following categories can apply to extend the duration of study.
(1) International students who fail to obtain the required credits in the stipulated length of schooling and who do not satisfy the requirements of expulsion;
(2) International students who fail to pass the review and assessment of graduation thesis;
第三十三条 申请办理延长学习期限的手续,每年六月集中办理。申请延长学习期限应填写《永利集团88304来华职工延长学习期限审批表》,经永利集团88304审批后执行。
Article 33 The application to extend the duration of study is accepted in June every year. Applicants shall fill in the Approval Form of Extending Duration of Study for International students at HBUT, and the application will go into effect upon approval by SIE.
第三十四条 延长学习期限(不含休学)者,对延长学习期限的学习阶段,学校按毕业当年的有关规定收取教育资源补偿费用。
Article 34 International students who extend their duration of study (international students who suspend their study are not included) will be charged the educational resource compensation expense for the extension period according to the related regulations.
第三十五条 学生有下列情况之一者,应予退学且注销学籍:
Article 35 International students in the following categories shall be dismissed from the university and be canceled their student status:
(1) International students who do not apply to resume their studies when their suspension is expired; International students who are diagnosed as not qualified for study; International students who are diagnosed with mental disorder, epilepsy, leprosy, sexual diseases, AIDS or other serious diseases;
(2) Degree students and Chinese language students whose leave or absence accumulatively exceeds 180 course periods in one semester;
(3) Graduates and undergraduates whose leave or absence without permission exceeds 1/3 of their total course periods, and who do not apply to suspend their study;
(4) International students who receive the written warning from SIE for 10 times or more;
(5) International students who employ unusual means to spread rumors and influence the normal order of the university.
第三十六条 学生退学由学校审批,并发给劝其退学证明,在校学习满一年以上的发给肄业证明书。未经学校批准,擅自离校的学生不发给肄业证明和退学证明。
Article 36 International students who intend to quit must be approved by the university and offered the Certificate of Dismissal. International students who have studied at the university for more than 1 year will be offered Certificate of Partial Completion. International students who leave the school without approval will not be offered the Certificate of Partial Completion and Certificate of Dismissal.
第七章 毕业、结业与肄业
Chapter Seven Graduation, Completion, and Partial Completion
第三十七条 学生在学校规定修业年限内,修完本专业培养方案规定内容,德、智、体达到毕业要求,准予毕业,由学校颁发毕业证书。
Article 37 International students who complete their courses, obtain all the required credits, and satisfy the graduation conditions in the stipulated duration of study will be allowed to graduate and be awarded the Graduation Certificate.
Undergraduates and graduates who meet the “Specific Regulations on the Implementation of International Students’ Degree Conferral” will be conferred degree and Degree Certificate.
第三十八条 学生在学校规定修业年限内,修完本专业培养方案规定内容,未达到毕业要求,准予结业,由学校颁发结业证书。
Article 38 International students who complete the courses, but fail to satisfy the graduation conditions will be approved completion of courses and awarded the Certificate of Completion.
International students in the following categories will be regarded as completion of courses:
(1) International students who complete the studies with failure in less than 2 courses and who are not suggested to continue their studies at the university;
(2) International students who complete the studies without obtaining all the required credits of practical training, or who fail to meet the requirements of Chinese language courses.
International students with completion of courses can return to the university to take the course and obtain the credits within the duration of study. When they satisfy the gradation conditions, they will be approved gradation and be awarded the Graduation Certificate with the date of issuance. However, those international students will not be awarded Degree Certificate.
第三十九条 学生没有修完培养方案规定的课程,但在校学满一年以上退学者,由学校发放肄业证书。
Article 39 International students who fail to complete all the courses, but who have studied at the university for more than one year will be awarded Certificate of Partial Completion when dismissed from the university.
第四十条 毕业证书、结业证书、肄业证书和学位证书遗失或者损坏,经学生本人申请,学校核实后出具相应的证明书。证明书与原证书具有同等效力。
Article 40 When the Graduation Certificate, Certificate of Completion, Certificate of Partial Completion and Degree Certificate are lost or damaged, international students can apply for a corresponding Certificate after approved by the university. The Certificate has the same effect as the original one.
第八章 转学与学分认证
Chapter Eight Transfer and Credit Recognition
第四十一条 公司可接收国内各高校转学生(含语言生),需同时满足以下条件:
Article 41 HBUT accepts international students (including Chinese language students) who are transferred from other Chinese universities and who meet the following conditions:
(1) International students who have studied at other Chinese universities for one semester or one year with successful completion of all courses;
(2) International students who are confirmed by other universities with no bad records or punishment;
(3) International students with qualified original Health Certificate issued by Hubei Provincial Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
International students who meet all the requirements shall take the related documents (please refer to Article 6 in Chapter One) to SIE to finish the registration procedure.
第四十二条 可认定转学生已修课程及学分,若部分课程与公司专业培养计划课程重复,需在公司重新修读且合格后,方可取得相应学分。
Article 42 HBUT recognizes the completed course and credit for the transferred international students. If some courses overlap with the courses offered by the university, international students must retake the courses at HBUT and obtain the credits upon successful completion.
第九章 汉语学习
Chapter Nine Chinese Language Learning
第四十三条 汉语为学校培养外国职工的基本教学语言。对汉语水平达不到专业学习要求的外国职工,学校提供必要的补习条件,学生可自愿申请汉语补习小课堂。
Article 43 Chinese is the basic teaching language for international students at the university. The university shall provide necessary conditions for extra Chinese learning for international students whose Chinese language level fails to meet the requirements of academic studies.
第四十四条 汉语和中国概况是接受学历教育的职工的必修课。修读汉语国际教育专业的本科生及硕士研究生必须参加HSK考试,并达到四级水平,毕业论文必须采用中文撰写及答辩;其它专业学生的毕业论文撰写及答辩可采用英语或中文,
Article 44 Chinese and China Panorama are the compulsory courses for international students in degree programs. Undergraduates and graduates in the program of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages must take HSK and pass HSK Band 4, and they are required to finish their graduation thesis and thesis defense in Chinese. International students in other programs can finish their graduation thesis and thesis defense in either Chinese or English.
第十章 学习纪律
Chapter Ten Discipline
第四十五条 学生上课时应遵守课堂纪律,认真听课,不得迟到、早退,未经教师同意,不得擅自离开教室。
Article 45 International students shall obey the class room disciplines when attending class. International students shall not arrive late and leave early, or leave the classroom without permission.
第四十六条 因病、因事不能上课,须提交请假条(病假可在病愈后持医院证明补办请假手续)。未请假而缺课者,以旷课论。
Article 46 International students who fail to attend class due to illness or other reasons must submit Note for Leave. International students who are absent without permission will be marked as truant.
第四十七条 上课期间逢职工本国节假日,学校不放假,照常上课。如逢职工本国重大节日,可酌情请假1-3天,一年不超过两次。
Article 47 International students shall attend class as usual when it happens to be a holiday in their home country according to the schedule of the university. If it is a very significant holiday or festival in their home country, international students can ask for leave for 1-3 days, but for no more than twice a year.
1. The procedure for asking for leave:
(1) International students go to International Student Office of SIE to collect and fill in the Note for Leave (three copies, student, International Student Office, and the teacher hold 1 copy respectively), Teaching Affairs Office of SIE shall inform the teacher; senior advanced students and scholars who ask for leave shall get approval from their supervisor. Once it is approved and signed, they shall submit it to the International Student Office of SIE to be recorded;
(2) After being approved, international students who need to leave the mainland ofChinashould take the Note for Leave to International Student Office of SIE to register and finish the procedure related to visa or residence permit.
2. Types of Leave
International students who ask for sick leave must provide diagnosis certificate issued by a doctor. International students who ask for sick leave for less than 3 days shall get approval from the instructor in charge of international students; International students who ask for sick leave for less than 2 weeks shall obtain approval from the deputy dean of SIE in charge of international student affairs; International students who ask for sick leave for more than 2 weeks shall get approval from the dean of SIE. International students who are absent without permission will be marked as truant.
International students who ask for leave of absence for less than 1 days shall get approval from the instructor in charge of international students; International students who ask for leave of absence for less than 1 weeks shall obtain approval from the deputy dean of SIE in charge of the international student affairs; International students who ask for leave of absence for more than 1 weeks should get approval from the dean of SIE. International students who are absent without permission will be marked as truant.
International students who return to the university must go to SIE to report back after leave. International students who fail to report back after leave of absence when the leave expires will be marked as truant.
第十一章 奖励与处分
Chapter Eleven Awards and Punishment
第四十八条 集团对遵守校纪校规、学习成绩优良的毕业生给予奖励,发给证书和奖品。
Article 48 The university will confer international students who obey the rules and regulations with excellent performance awards, Certificate of Awards, and testimonial.
第四十九条 对犯有错误的学生,学校可视情节轻重给予批评教育或纪律处分。处分分下列六种:1、警告;2、严重警告;3、记过;4、留校察看;5、劝其退学;6、勒令退学、开除学籍。
Article 49 International students who make mistakes will be given punishment ranging from criticism to certain disciplinary measures: 1. Warning; 2. Serious warning; 3. Demerit; 4. Academic probation; 5. Be persuaded to drop out from school; 6. Expulsion from school.
第五十条 有下列情形之一的学生,学校将酌情给予勒令退学、开除学籍的处分:
Article 50 Student in the following categories will be expelled from the university:
1) International students who violate the state criminal law;
2) International students who destroy public property, steal state, collective and personal property, causing serious damage and harm;
3) International students who has stealing behavior, or serious drinking, gambling, fighting behavior, and who do not have the intention to correct their behavior;
4) International students who violate the discipline of the university seriously.
第五十一条 对学生做出勒令退学、开除学籍的处分,由永利集团88304院办公会共同决议。
Article 51 The punishment of expelling international students from the university shall be determined jointly by the school meeting of SIE.
第五十二条 劝其退学且主动办理退学手续的学生执行第六章 第三十六条;勒令退学、开除学籍的学生不发学历证明。
Article 52 International students who receive punishment of being persuaded to drop out of school and who apply for dismissal from the university shall follow Article 36 in Chapter Six; The university will not confer Education Certificate on international students who are expelled from the university.
第十二章 附则
Chapter Twelve Supplementary Provisions
第五十三条 本细则适用于公司语言生、高级(普通)进修生、本科生、硕士研究生等所有来华职工。
Article 53 This Regulation shall apply to all international students including Chinese language students, senior advanced (general) students, undergraduates, graduates, etc.
第五十四条 本细则于2015年9月开始执行,由永利集团官网负责解释。
Article 54 This Regulation shall be executed since Sept. 2015, and SIE of HBUT is responsible for its interpretation.