Dear 15 Major Students and 16 Mar. Major Students,
According to the suggestion of students and deliberation of school professors, an adjustment of curriculum plan was determined by the Curriculum Commit of School of International Education. There are two courses were suspended or canceled. Please be aware of it.
1. Practice on Chinese Traditional Handwork was canceled for 15 major students. Please remove it from you time table.
2. Chinese Self-learning Ⅱ&Ⅲ were suspended for now, but it will be resumed after the National Day Holiday (Oct. 1st –Oct. 7th) with lower credits and school hours.
Several new Compulsory Courses and Basic Courses in General Discipline will be added into your Curriculum Plan and timetable for your better major study. Please come to teaching affair office to get your new timetable after National Day Holiday. For further questions and help, please contact Mr. Ted Xiong (Language Course Affairs) 027-59750665 or Mr. William Zhou (Major Courses Affairs)027-59750672.
For 16 September Major, there will also be an adjustment made to your current timetable, please come to the Teaching Affair Office to get it on 12th of September.
Sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. We are changing the curriculum plan for your better education. Thanks for your understanding.
Teaching Affair Office
School of International Education