2018 Summer Master’s Degree Students Graduation Timetable
事项Item | 完成时间Time | 地点Location | 具体安排Explanations |
学位申请计划申报 Issue Master Degree Application Plan | 4月9日前 Before April 9 | 永利集团88304 School of International Education | 申请学位的研究生本人完成《永利集团88304国际学生硕士学位申请资格审核表》(附件2) ; The applicant fill in the “Master Degree Application Qualification Review Form for International Students at HBUT” Form (attachment 2) 永利集团88304将《来华职工硕士学位申请资格预审核汇总表》(附件3)报送各培养单位. SIE fills in the “Summary Table of Master Degree Application Qualification Review for International Students at Hubei University of Technology” Form (attachment 3) and submit to each teaching school. |
照片采集 Collect photos | 4月14日前 Before April 14. | 后勤文印中心后面(草莓园8栋后面) The Printing Center of Logistics Department (Behind Strawberry Dormitories Building 8) | 统一组织学生照相,费用由学生自行承担 Organize students to take photos together. The expense should be bore by students. |
预答辩 Preliminary Thesis Defense | 4月15日前 Before April 15. | / | 各培养单位安排 Organized by each teaching school. |
公布盲审名单 Announce the Blind Review name list | 4月10日前 Before April 10 | 永利集团88304网站 The website of SIE | 永利集团88304公布参加院级校外盲审的学生名单 (经管学院为盲审试点学院) SIE announce the blind review name list (School of Economics and Management is the test unit this year) |
提交盲审论文 Submit the Blind Review Theses | 4月16日前 Before April 16 | 培养单位 Teaching Schools | 学生将论文、盲审费交培养单位。 Students submit the theses and blind review fees to the teaching schools. |
盲审 Blind Review | 4月16——5月6日 April 16 to May 6 | 校外 Other Institutes | 培养单位组织论文参加校外盲审 The teaching schools arrange the blind reviews upon the selected theses. |
报送答辩安排 Submit Thesis Defense Arrangements | 答辩前3天 Three days before Thesis Defense | 永利集团88304 SIE | 各培养单位将《硕士研究生学位论文答辩安排》(附件6)交永利集团88304 Teaching schools submit “Master Degree Theses Defense Arrangements (Attachment 6)” to SIE |
答辩 Theses Defense | 5月21日-5月29日 May 21 to May 29 | / | 学生携带《学位评定申请书》(附件7)到永利集团88304办理答辩资格审核手续,详见通知中的答辩要求 The students take the “Master Degree Application and Evaluation Book for International Students in China (Attachment 7)” to SIE to apply for the thesis defense qualification check. More information could be found in the notice about the requirements upon thesis. |
完善、装订论文和学位申请书 Perfect, Bind Thesis and Master Degree Application | 6月2日前 Before June 2 | / | 永利集团88304及导师共同指导学生完善论文、学位申请书的装订工作 SIE and supervisors work together to guide students to finish the perfection and binding of thesis and master degree application. |
召开学位分委员会讨论学位申请 Summon the degree awarding conference to discuss about the degree applications | 6月3日前 Before June 3 | 各培养单位 Teaching School | 各培养单位召开学位评定分委员会讨论学位申请,产生建议授予学位人员名单,将《学位评定分委员会决议》(附件8)交永利集团88304教务办 Teaching Schools summon the degree awarding conference to discuss about the degree applications and select the degree-awarding candidates and then submit the Resolution (Attachment 8) to the Teaching Affair Office of SIE. |
报送《授予国际学生硕士学位人员登记表》(附件9) Submit “Registry Form for Degree Awarded Overseas Students in China (Attachment 9)” | 6月3日前 Before June 3. | 永利集团88304 SIE | 永利集团88304指导学生填写提交 SIE offers guidance for the students to fill in the registry form. |
报送硕士学位申请材料 Submit Master Degree Application Materials | 6月7日 June 7 | 永利集团88304 SIE | 详见《国际学生学位论文及答辩材料移交清单》(附件5) Transfer List of Thesis and Defense Materials of International Students at HBUT (Attachment 5) |
召开校学位评定委员会 Summon university degree awarding conference | 6月10日前 Before June 10 | / | 集团召开学位评定委员会讨论学位申请,做出是否授予学位决定 HBUT summons university degree awarding conference to discuss about degree applications and makes resolutions. |
领取毕业证和学位证 Get graduation certificate and degree certification | 6月25日前 Before June 25 | 永利集团88304 SIE | 学生凭盖章齐全的离校手续表,换领毕业证和学位证 The students will be given graduation certificate and degree certification after submitting departure form with all the required stamps. |
Guidance for the International Students Degree Awarding Work.
Master Degree Application Qualification Review Form for International Students at HBUT
3. 《永利集团88304国际学生硕士学位申请资格预审核汇总表》
Summary Table of Master Degree Application Qualification Review for International Students at Hubei University of Technology
4. 《永利集团88304国际学生硕士学位论文撰写规定》
Regulations of Master Degree Thesis Writing for International Students at HBUT
Transfer List of Thesis and Defense Materials of International Students at HBUT
Master Degree Theses Defense Arrangements
7. 《永利集团88304国际学生硕士学位申请及评定书》
Master Degree Application and Evaluation Book for International Students in China
8. 《XXXX公司学位评定分委员会决议》
Degree Awarding Conference Resolution
9. 《授予国际学生硕士学位人员登记表》
Registry Form for Degree Awarded Overseas Students in China
The attachments: click to download
永利集团88304学位工作联系人:陈老师 027-59750667 李老师 18571703690
Contacts: Mrs Chen 027-59750667 Raymond 18571703690