On the afternoon of April 24th, Prof. Velizara Ivanova Pencheva, president of Angel Kanchev University of Ruse and Prof. Hristo Ivanov Beloev, President of the Council of Rousseau, Bulgaria, were invited to visit our university. The president of Hubei University of Technology, Prof. Liu Defu, and the vice president, Prof. Zhang Yingjiang met with the foreign guests. The meeting was also attended by Ms. Diana Bebenova, visiting scholar of the University of Ruse, and staff from both the Department of International Relations and the School of International Education The meeting was hosted by Ms. Long Yan, director of the Department of International Relations.

The meeting began with a welcome speech by Vice President Zhang Yingjiang, which he followed up with a brief introduction to HBUT, especially our Green Industry Strategy. Ms. Long Yan briefed attendees on the status of HBUT's international cooperation. Then President Pencheva introduced the history, development and advantages of University of Ruse. Each group exchanged their thoughts for intensifying the partnership and expanding teacher and student exchange programs between them on the basis of the Erasmus+ program. The Erasmus+ Foundation has accepted two post-graduate students from HBUT to study at University of Ruse this spring. On behalf of our university, Vice President Zhang Yingjiang signed a MoU with University of Ruse.

After the meeting, the delegation visited the Ming and Qing Dynasties Furniture Museum, HBUT's History Museum, the Industrial Culture Corridor, and the Center for Brewing Technology. The attendees spoke highly of HBUT's education, culture and international cooperation.

About University of Ruse Angel Kanchev, Bulgaria

University of Ruse, established in 1954, is a comprehensive university located in the city of Ruse in northern Bulgaria.
Around 6,000 students study in 10 faculties including Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Electronics and Automation, Faculty of Transport, Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare.
There are also two Branches of Ruse University in Silistra and Razgrad, and a Bulgarian and Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre