The 15th Annual Meeting of World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies, i.e. the 2016 WSSET Annual Meeting, was grandly convened in National University of Singapore (hereinafter referred to as 'NUS') in July 19th, 2016. The WSSET annual meeting was jointly held by WSSET, NUS, and American Institute of Chemical Engineers (hereinafter referred to as 'AIChE SLS').
On behalf of our Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center of Efficient Utilization of Solar Energy, Prof. Qinghua Lv and Ms. Wenjuan Huang, the teacher and the postgraduate from the School of Science, were invited to attend the meeting with the relevant research results. There were 3 academic papers in total from our solar energy research center included in the meeting. And the papers aroused wide attention of all the attendants during the meeting.
On the third day, Large-area Parabolic Dish Concentrator for Photovoltaic Agriculture Application System declared by the scientific research team led by Dr. Hui Lv from our School of Science won the 2016 WSSET Innovation Award, awarded by WSSET. Prof. Saffa Riffat, the president of WSSET, and the jury committee, gave very high appraisal for the research result.