Christmas & New Year Gala for International Students
On the evening of Dec.23, over 50 international students attended the “2014 Christmas Gala for HBUT International Students, 2015 New Year Gala” in room 6B2-8 of the Training Building. As the representative of international students, Taka, the student coordinator from Zimbabwe, hosted the gala. Some related staff of International Office, some guest invited and students representatives also participated into the Gala.

During the whole Gala, students were happy to give excellent exotic dancing and singing, and interesting games. At the beginning of the Gala, TANZA from Guyana sung the song We Wish You A Merry Christmas accompanied at the piano by BENTUM-MICAH GEOFFREY from Ghana; BRICE ICIGUMIJE from Burundi gave us the Word Puzzle Game by Acting; and the Gala was climaxed with the aboriginal dance presented by students from Zimbabwe. Besides, there are some little guests who are the children of the teaching and administrative staff. They even gave us a wonderful and cute dance, which make the Gala more joyful.

At the end of the Gala, on behalf of International Office, Hong Wenqi, Office Chief of International Student Affairs, awarded the students who had took part in HBUT Anniversary Gala with Certificate of Honor, expressed his gratitude to them for their contributions and wish all students a Merry Christmas. At the same time, students were also grateful for the nice living and study environment, for the loving and care from leaders, which allows them to have a pleasant festival far away from their countries.