On the afternoon of May 19th, Dr. Chen Zhao, invited by our School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering and our Collaborative Innovation Center of Green Light Materials and Processing, gave a lecture in the Testing and Analysis Center in our Light Industry Building. More than 50 teachers and students listened to the academic-exchanging lecture, which was named as Polymeric Compound of Organic-silicon or Amino Acid Functional Group Synthesized by Anionic Polymerization. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Chonggang Wu, from the course program Material Science and Engineering of the School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering.
After gaining a bachelor degree in University of Science and Technology of China and a doctor degree in University of South Carolina, America, Dr. Chen Zhao continued his post-doctoral researches of polymer science in the University of Akron, America. In recent years, as the first author, Dr. Chen published a large number of academic papers on international authoritative academic journals, such as Journal of the American Chemical Society, Organic Letters, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, etc.